The Ultimate Way of Finding Your Passion and Running With It

Kennedy Martinez
The Ultimate Way of Finding Your Passion and Running With It

You are constantly being reminded of the Confucius quote that tells us “Find what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” That’s some great advice and a great goal to work towards, but finding what you love comes easier for some than for others.

If you’ve found your passion, awesome! This could help you expand your passions further, and if you’re still one of those individuals who have yet to find their zeal, that’s okay too. You’re definitely not alone, and this could lead you to that passion more quickly than you might think. 

Try New Things!

It seems so simple, doesn’t it? We’ve been told our whole lives to try new things. When we were little, it was trying new foods, when we were teenagers, it was trying a new sport or taking up art. This still stands true in the real world; there’s no need to be hesitant of trying something new.

There are so many hobbies, skills and activities out there to try. Guitar playing, mountain climbing, novel writing, baseball playing, public speaking, white water rafting, event organizing, business managing and the list goes on and on. The possibilities are truly endless, so why not try them all? Experiment with anything that sounds interesting to you. Give it a try; you have nothing lose. If you end up not absolutely loving what you’re doing, you do not have to feel obligated to keep doing it. Just pick up something else!

And once you do find that passion, how do you develop it and turn it into something great? Learn as much as you can about it! That may be through college or by jumping right in and experiencing it. Maybe it’s a combination of both. There are jobs out there that will fit your passion to a T and that will make you love your life and feel fulfilled.

It’s alright if you don’t have it all figured out yet; that will come with time and dedication. Beginning to work towards what you love is a great start, and not giving up will get you a long way until you’re unstoppable.