Time to #SuitUp!

Eliana Goldstein
Time to #SuitUp!

It’s that time of year, everyone. That time of year where companies recruit, medical schools interview, and college students must answer Barney Stinson’s call to suit up!

Suiting up for Stinson may involve pulling out a gorgeous Italian slim-fit suit, but we know that for you it’s all about putting your best face forward when you go to a career fair, interview or major class presentation. It’s about feeling confident in your clothes and putting your professional brand out there.

The job market statistics facing students entering the workforce may not be as grim as they were a few years ago, but it’s still a graduate-eat-graduate world out there, especially in the more competitive industries. That reality being what it is, every impression you can make on an employer is as important as the first impression–including what you put out on social media.

 So with all that in mind, we want to see you suit up! Show us your version of professional dress by taking a selfie in your business formal (or casual!) and tweet or instagram @internships with the hashtag #SuitUp.

Protip: We’ll be re-Tweeting to our crowd of followers, which includes major companies and employers, so put a link to your Looksharp/Internmatch profile in your pic description to maximize your #SuitUp impact!